Contact me:
(714) 865-9209 (cell)
dadasmama or Elaine Madrid (Pinterest)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Post-Carson Report

It's nice to attend a show and just be a customer, for a change.  A large group of us met at the Art Gone Wild booth to see what new products Tim Holtz has come up with, and to get a kiss from Ted.  As usual, Tim had a large group watching his demos all day long and Ted was running for more chairs to seat the ladies.  I couldn't get close enough to see what Tim was doing, but did say hello during one of his breaks, if you can call it a break.  Once he escaped from behind the demo table, he happily posed for photos with everyone who asked and spent time chatting with them.  I'll see him at Stampaway next month although since it's his first appearance at that show, I'm sure he'll be mobbed there too.  There was also a good crowd at the Invoke Arts/Studios Blackbird booth and Kate hardly had a chance to breathe between demos.  Made my only purchase of the show from her booth (budget again) -- one stamp and one "damaged" doll.  It was so big that I had to carry it around like a baby and got plenty of stares.  Another booth doing brisk business was Lost Coast.  Linda always has new images and great samples and seemed to be doing very well.   Said hello to many old friends, some going back to MOMR days who were frequent visitors to our shop in Placentia...good times, good times.  The crowd seemed bigger than the last show so perhaps customers are realizing that the conventions are once again the best place to find new products and techniques -- especially with more stamp and scrapbook stores closing in SoCal.

Working furiously to get ready for Stampaway with new images, my class kits, etc. so I haven't spent one minute in the sun, now that it's finally out.  What's the point of living in California if you can't even get a tan...Will post the layouts with new images when I have the actual plates and can press the rubber...

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