Contact me:
(714) 865-9209 (cell)
dadasmama or Elaine Madrid (Pinterest)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My crown arrived today

Kathy Lewis and I had a fun trip to Stamp Your Heart Out in Claremont and chatted with Joan while we shopped.  Even though they just had an enormous sale last weekend, there was plenty to choose from and we both bought a variety of tapes, magazines, paper, and other assorted goodies that only Joan has.  It was a gorgeous day and the mountains above Claremont were covered in snow from our rain earlier this week.  We visited a few other stores Barbara Cheatley's (always a favorite) and Fresh Produce and had lunch with Joan at Dr. Grubb's.  We had to cut our trip short because I had homework and Kathy has a puppy that needed a potty break so we were only gone a few hours, but it was still fun.  There are so few stamp stores in SoCal and if you think SYHO is too far to drive, you're nuts.  It was half an hour from Placentia to Claremont, free, easy parking right in front of Joan's store, and there isn't anywhere else you are going to find the variety of stamps and accessories...Unbelievably I found a journal for my "Images of Indians" class that was made out of an old textbook called the "Mayflower Compact."  We actually discussed the Mayflower Compact in my class last night -- is that the most coincidental thing you've ever heard?  Right up there with finding a journal my last trip to the store for Patrice made out of an old Dental Assisting textbook and then finding out it was the same book she used in class when she went to Dental Assisting School ooooooooo, creepy...and then when I got home from our excursion, my birthday crown had arrived from Chris and Andy Meador and the soon to be Mrs. Andy Meador, Tiffany.  Can't wait to see Chris in Idaho in April.  Also, thanks everyone so much for remembering my birthday yesterday.  I was overwhelmed with the Facebook posts, emails, etc. and feel very special -- helloooooooooo Social Security.


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