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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nothing more shocking than turning the corner and finding the Wienermobile in your grocery store parking lot.

In the late 50's I lived in Granada Hills.  One of the highlights of my childhood was going to the Ralph's on Chatsworth and seeing not only Little Oscar and the Wienermobile, but Engineer Bill.  Kids were lined up to receive their wiener whistles from Little Oscar and to play "Red light, green light" with Engineer Bill.  I've had a few Wienermobile sightings around Orange County in the past few years but never caught it parked so that I could snap a photo.  Two young, attractive gals were handing out brand-new wiener whistles, stickers and postcards that said "I saw the Wienermobile," and I'm not too proud to ask for a set.  What a great summer job it would be to drive around the country in the Wienermobile...everyone happy to see you, smiling, taking photos and revisiting their misspent youth.

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