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(714) 865-9209 (cell)
dadasmama or Elaine Madrid (Pinterest)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Every June I think about the Safari Hotel in Scottsdale...

We had some great times at the Safari Hotel in Scottsdale during the years of the Rubber Art Stampede.  Can't forget those post-convention pool parties with Cher delivering non-stop Pink Squirrels from the bar, everyone floating around in the pools fully-dressed, German tourist flashers, a great staff of people at the Safari that made doing the show so much fun.  Damn them for tearing down the Safari!  It was hotter than h*ll in June in Scottsdale, especially when the A/C gave out, but we managed to have a good time -- mostly related to BIG cold drinks - Sfuzzis, anyone?

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