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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays everyone.

The Betsey Johnson-designed Christmas tree for the Plaza Hotel this year really sums up my hope for the holidays.  Joy and peace wherever you may find it.  My wish is that everyone is able to spend time with loved ones, enjoy each others' company, and give a little back when you have the opportunity.  I love reading about the people who have paid off strangers' layaway accounts for Christmas gifts, but I am saddened to read about people brutalizing each other to get a pair of Air Jordans or flat screen TVs.  It's a simple Christmas at our house this year; no tree for the first time in 43 years except for some silvery branches decorated with our favorite ornaments.  We're just thankful for family and friends, good health, jobs, and each other.  Have a wonderful holiday season and a kinder, gentler new year.  We had iced cold martinis and a traditional New England corned beef and cabbage dinner this Christmas Eve and are heading to my niece's house to see the family tomorrow and enjoy a Mexican food spread.  Nice blend of east meets west -- Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad!

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