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Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy 41st Anniversary

41 years ago today!  As my husband explained to friends yesterday, "20 years of bliss."  I don't know if it was the first 20 or the last 20...lots of highs and lows during this time, good thing we have laughter in our lives.  In August of 1969, the first man had just stepped on the moon, Woodstock had just taken place, the body count from the war in Viet Nam was a daily occurence, skirts were shorts, bell bottoms were BIG, and we had just moved into a $135 a month apartment (refrigerator included), living on my salary as a dental assistant of $300 a month.  Life was simpler then and cheaper, too.  Comparing our marriage to Jerry Garcia's eloquent quote, "what a long, strange trip it's been," who knows where the next 40 years will take us, but at least it's downhill from here...

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