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(714) 865-9209 (cell)
dadasmama or Elaine Madrid (Pinterest)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Did I mention that I have a new studio and that it was a cigar club?

It's very frustrating to have this "new" place and to be so busy that I don't have time to hang out there.  We did manage to get one Saturday "play day" in to celebrate Patrice's birthday and Donna's visit to SoCal, but since then I've been too busy with school to do much except make Christmas cards.  This place is a diamond in the rough!  It's in Anaheim on Lincoln between a barber college and dental office and it looks pretty sad sitting at the back of the parking lot with a cracked window and a patio set chained to a large planter.  But inside, it's HEAVEN!  I've moved everything out of my big storage unit and it's all on shelves ready to go through in January before school starts again.  I may even be able to get the rest of our junk out of the last, little storage unit and then be "storage-unit free" for the first time in probably 20 years.  My section of the building has two large rooms, built-in counters in one room and a huge storage area in the other, and 2 bathrooms.  My husband hung new fluorescent light fixtures over the counter so there are several great work areas and I haven't had this much working space since leaving the old Carmen's store on Orangethorpe.  Perhaps we'll have a play day in the future...I'll continue to take photos as it shapes up but it's perfect for me right now and I look forward to many happy hours of sorting and purging in the next year and maybe actually getting some projects done...

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